About us

Australian Policy and History was co-founded in 2010 by Professor David Lowe at Deakin University, Professor Melanie Oppenheimer, now at Flinders University, Zoe Pollock of the History Council of New South Wales, and Professor Nicholas Brown from the Australian National University (ANU).
Central to the ethos of Australian Policy and History is our non-partisan character. We aim to engage stakeholders from all areas of Australian society in a spirit of co-operation and problem-solving. While we recognise that many issues are complex and defy easy solutions, we are motivated by the desire to achieve public policy outcomes that are informed by historical evidence. We promote civility and respect in public debate.
Australian Policy and History also seeks to promote historians as constructive participants in the public policy debate. It emboldens them to look beyond the academy, to connect with policy makers, the media and the public, and to consider the ways that our knowledge and expertise can contribute to the advancement of Australian society.
We are proud to be part of the International Network for Policy and History (INHAP), founded in London in 2018. Our international partners include History and Policy in the United Kingdom, the National History Center in the United States and the Le Page Center for History in the Public Interest at Villanova University in the United States.
International network for History and Policy
Australian Policy and History is proud to be part of the International Network for History and Policy (INHAP). Founded in discussions over late 2018 and early 2019, INHAP comprises groups of academic historians based in countries around the world. They share the view that the quality of decision-making in the present, about the future, benefits from a deeper knowledge of the past.
The groups in the network connect academic historians and their work with policy makers; and advocate for historical research as fundamental to policy. Members of the network share practices and collaborate with each-other. They aim to improve the quality of public conversations and policy formation, resulting in stronger civil societies and better informed decisions.
INHAP takes a particular interest collectively in promoting international good practice for the incorporation of history into public policy-making. It interprets the concept of policy makers in the widest sense, including official agencies at all levels from local to global, non-governmental organisations, opinion-formers and academics and other experts.
You can find out more about other members of INHAP at these links:
American Historical Association
Albert Lepage Center for History in the Public Interest